Monday, August 26, 2019

planet Study By Dwight

This week I have been learning about the planets. There are nine planets in our solar system. There are inner planets and outer planets.  The first planet is Mercury, it is closest to the sun. It has craters. Then the second  planet is Venus. It is the brightest planet in our solar system and it is hot like the sun. Earth, is the only planet that supports life like animals, forests, air and sea. The next planet is Mars. It has red dust and many moons. The outer planet is jupiter. It is made from gas and storms. Saturn has rings made of ice, rocks and dust. Uranus it is tilted side ways  and it has dust rings. Neptune it is the coldest planet in our solar system. Pluto is a dwarf planet because it orbits the sun like an oval shape

1 comment:

  1. Dear Dwight,
    I like your planet sidle show.
